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soniccoloursunleashed's Green Forest History

Mission 1 | Mission 2 | Mission 3 | Mission 4 | Mission 5
Stat Rank Order Asc Date Comment
1:23:40 5/203 07-26-14 31.74 check
1:24:65 5/170 04-25-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:23:40 5/204 07-29-14 31.74 check
1:24:65 5/170 05-02-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:23:40 5/198 04-16-14 31.74 check
1:24:65 5/171 05-03-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:23:40 5/198 04-17-14 31.74 check
1:24:65 5/167 02-06-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:23:40 5/194 01-14-14 31.74 check
1:24:65 5/171 05-08-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:23:40 5/199 04-30-14 31.74 check
1:24:65 5/167 02-16-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:23:40 5/194 01-20-14 31.74 check
1:24:65 5/167 02-25-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:23:40 5/194 01-20-14 31.74 check
1:24:65 5/168 03-11-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:23:40 5/204 07-14-14 31.74 check
1:24:65 5/168 03-28-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:23:40 5/204 07-19-14 31.74 check
1:24:65 5/169 04-13-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:26:74 6/158 12-27-10 done on gc
1:23:40 6/206 08-22-14 31.74 check
1:26:54 6/167 12-20-11 maybe i can get the record for gc, missed the superbounce at the tall mountain
1:26:14 6/167 01-21-12 sooo close
1:23:40 6/207 10-23-14 31.74 check
1:26:54 6/167 12-28-11 maybe i can get the record for gc, missed the superbounce at the tall mountain
1:26:14 6/167 01-27-12 sooo close
1:23:40 6/204 07-30-14 31.74 check
1:26:74 6/158 12-22-10 done on gc
1:26:54 6/168 01-01-12 maybe i can get the record for gc, missed the superbounce at the tall mountain
1:23:40 6/204 07-30-14 31.74 check
1:26:74 6/158 12-22-10 done on gc
1:26:54 6/167 01-03-12 maybe i can get the record for gc, missed the superbounce at the tall mountain
1:23:40 6/205 08-08-14 31.74 check
1:24:65 6/171 05-12-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:26:54 6/167 01-10-12 maybe i can get the record for gc, missed the superbounce at the tall mountain
1:23:40 6/205 08-11-14 31.74 check
1:24:65 6/172 05-26-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:26:54 6/167 01-12-12 maybe i can get the record for gc, missed the superbounce at the tall mountain
1:23:40 6/205 08-16-14 31.74 check
1:26:54 6/167 01-13-12 maybe i can get the record for gc, missed the superbounce at the tall mountain
1:23:40 6/206 08-21-14 31.74 check
1:26:74 6/158 12-25-10 done on gc
1:26:14 6/167 01-20-12 sooo close
1:23:40 7/214 03-03-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 7/167 12-08-11 done on gc
1:23:40 7/216 06-12-15 31.74 check
1:24:65 7/173 06-25-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:23:40 7/217 06-17-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 7/158 01-05-11 done on gc
1:23:40 7/212 02-03-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 7/161 09-28-11 done on gc
1:23:40 7/218 04-19-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 7/167 12-10-11 done on gc
1:24:65 7/173 06-28-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:26:74 7/158 01-06-11 done on gc
1:23:40 7/212 02-03-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 7/162 09-30-11 done on gc
1:23:40 7/217 04-23-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 7/167 12-12-11 done on gc
1:24:65 7/173 07-04-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:26:74 7/159 01-08-11 done on gc
1:23:40 7/212 02-07-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 7/163 10-28-11 done on gc
1:23:40 7/216 04-24-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 7/167 12-16-11 done on gc
1:24:65 7/173 07-04-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:26:74 7/158 01-14-11 done on gc
1:23:40 7/212 02-14-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 7/164 11-18-11 done on gc
1:23:40 7/216 04-27-15 31.74 check
1:24:65 7/173 07-09-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:23:40 7/212 01-02-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 7/157 01-28-11 done on gc
1:23:40 7/212 02-16-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 7/165 12-03-11 done on gc
1:23:40 7/216 05-07-15 31.74 check
1:24:65 7/173 07-13-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:23:40 7/212 01-02-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 7/165 12-03-11 done on gc
1:23:40 7/216 05-07-15 31.74 check
1:24:65 7/172 06-05-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:23:40 7/212 01-21-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 7/166 12-03-11 done on gc
1:23:40 7/216 06-04-15 31.74 check
1:24:65 7/173 06-13-12 :( i made a video of this run, it was so awesome, i made it on youtube but the uploading failed so the video is gone. but atleast i ahve the Gamecube World Record! next i'm gonna try sub 1:32 on mission 5 and it has to be on video.
1:23:40 8/213 02-03-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 8/158 04-05-11 done on gc
1:23:40 8/219 07-05-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 8/159 04-22-11 done on gc
1:23:40 8/218 06-17-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 8/159 04-23-11 done on gc
1:23:40 8/218 06-17-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 8/159 04-27-11 done on gc
1:23:40 8/218 06-18-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 8/159 06-09-11 done on gc
1:23:40 8/218 06-19-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 8/160 06-13-11 done on gc
1:23:40 8/219 06-19-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 8/158 02-14-11 done on gc
1:23:40 8/219 06-23-15 31.74 check
1:26:74 8/159 04-04-11 done on gc
1:23:40 9/223 09-24-15 31.74 check
10/231 02-02-16
11/231 02-08-16
12/233 07-25-16
13/233 12-28-16
14/236 05-05-17
15/241 11-06-17
16/242 07-06-18
17/243 11-03-18
18/244 11-05-18
19/246 02-19-19
20/250 07-17-19
21/252 10-21-19
22/252 11-10-19
23/254 01-27-20
24/259 08-12-21
25/259 03-31-22
26/259 05-18-22
27/260 06-25-22
28/261 08-22-22
29/264 08-26-22
30/264 09-07-22
31/265 09-14-22
32/267 04-13-23
33/268 08-29-24
Player ID: 4366 | Game ID: 4 | Category ID: 1 | Level ID: 74
Hits: 442 | Hits This Month: 2 | DB Calls: 25 | Mem Usage: 765.75 KB | Time: 0.15s | Printable

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